What Makes eatTelfit Proper Pork Sustainable?
What Makes eatTelfit Proper Pork Sustainable?
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We at eatTelfit rear and source pork in ways that we feel we can be proud of. Our pork is of the highest welfare and ethical standards. All our pork comes from pigs that spend their summer months outdoors roaming pastures and woodlands and engaging in their natural instincts.
We feel justified in calling it proper pork!
All our eatTelfit Pigs spend the summer and dry months roaming the great outdoors. Here they are allowed to behave as pigs would behave. On our farm we rear sows Middle White Pigs. These magnificent pigs are very rare now and we are proud to rear them.
They we have selected for their short stubby noses which result in much less damage to the land. This allows them to spend the whole summer outdoors in large paddocks which they spend grazing. Our pigs prefer grazing on the grass to digging and so we make sure there's plenty to go at!
We cross these Middle White sows to a Berkshire boar, another of the great pork pigs. This cross breeding results in highly beneficial hybrid vigour and a best of both worlds pig for our farming practices.
No Industry has gone more wrong in farming in our eyes than that that rears pigs. These intelligent creatures require the utmost care and modern farming fails in that. Reared on slats in enormous factory like environments this is what we must move away from. Our pigs cannot spend all year out in the field. When the grass stops growing they start digging. This coupled with their enormous weight messes up the fields.
We bring them into the barns in winter where it is warm, dry and comfortable. We ensure they are well bedded up with straw and well fed with plenty of space to exercise. Their highly valuable muck is also turned into bokashi which is a miracle cure for our fields. They are critical workers on our farm and can be used for many amazing purposes!
All our Sows are brought inside for the birth of their litters. Here we can provide an environment where they are comfortable and ensure they have our full care and attention for the farrowing process. Once they have farrowed and the piglets get the first of their mothers milk they are up and running! Immediately they start to thrive.
We believe that this period on the mother is the key to producing the healthiest piglets and we ensure this is at least 8 weeks, 2 weeks longer than the industry standards.
All the Exercise and space our pigs get is key to our great proper pork. We calculated once that our pigs get over 20% of their diet from foraging around the pastures and eating grass. This is a lot for a pig. Our pigs grow slowly and naturally and we do not push them to do a nothing different.
They're no secret to the quality of our pork. Time, a good diet and lots of care and attention. Our proper pigs something we are very proud of and feel all the effort into them well worth the while!
They say you can eat everything but the oink from a pig and we take that as far as we can! Our pis are butchered nose to tail ensuring nothing goes to waste. We hang all our proper pigs for 7 days to tenderise and dry out the skin for perfect crackling.
There really is nothing better!
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eatTelfit HQ, Unit 2 Herriot Court, Leyburn Business Park, Leyburn, North Yorkshire. DL8 5QA