Dry Cured Gammon

Dry Cured Gammon

Beautiful dry cured gammons, air dried to perfection

Our dry cured gammons are as good as you can get. The dry curing process concentrates the flavour of our produce much better than that of brine curing. After being cured we then air dry our gammons for a number of days until they are ready to go. 

We only use the pork from the native breed pigs that come from our sustainable farms. These pigs have a flavour and texture that really makes our hams so fantastically delicious. 

    6 products
    Image of Dry Cured York Gammon Joint

    Dry Cured York Gammon Joint

    Total: £30.75
    Image of Smoked Dry Cured York Gammon Joint

    Smoked Dry Cured York Gammon Joint

    Total: £22.00
    Image of Smoked Dry Cured Ham Hocks

    Smoked Dry Cured Ham Hocks

    x 1

    Total: £7.50
    Image of Smoked Dry Cured Gammon Steaks

    Smoked Dry Cured Gammon Steaks


    Total: £6.29
    Image of Dry Cured Ham Hocks

    Dry Cured Ham Hocks

    x 1

    Total: £6.99
    Image of Dry Cured Gammon Steaks

    Dry Cured Gammon Steaks


    Total: £5.99

    Dry Cured Gammon FAQ's